Photography Oktoberfest Braunschweig The other day I was asked if I would like to join a photo walk at the Oktoberfest in Braunschweig. I'm not a big fan of fairs but thought there's a good chance
Photography Blackbirds Baseball in Wolfsburg Last weekend I attended my very first baseball game. There is a new team in town, and they just happen to have their first game. And boy, it was a blast! For me
Photography Otters, and Badgers and Ferrets in Hankensbüttel The other day we went to Hankensbüttel to visit the famous Otterzentrum. If you'd like to see pictures, just scoll down. But make sure to visit Jessie's blog to find out more about
Photography Bulli Summer Festival 2017 Maybe the Volkswagen T1 is one of the most beautiful cars you can own. And because there are a lot of people who own one, and even more that don't, there are regular
Road Trip Romania I Last summer we took a road trip through Romania. One of our stops was the Salina Turda, a museum and theme park built into an old salt mine. To make this place even
Maker Faire Berlin 2016 This weekend Ines and I are attending the Berlin Maker Faire 2016. Just after the first two hours we're totally blown away. There are so many great people with cool projects, many workshops
Photography The many faces of the Wolfsburg Marathon 2016 As some of you may know I work with the VfL Wolfsburg e.V. to create and develop a modern brand for the Wolfsburg Marathon. After attending the run only once (I'm not
Photography Istanbul Back in May Ines, Bernd, Tobi and I took a trip to Istanbul to celebrate Ines' birthday. We visited a lot of mosques, ate a massive amount of tasty food and walked around
Photography Fiat 500L joyride Earlier today I saw our neighbour Moritz in a new hot car. As a real car enthusiast he got himself a blue Fiat 500L with a two-cylinder engine that was built in the
design Surface Book After four years with my MacBook Air it was time for something new. Although the Mac aged very very well, its four gigs of RAM didn't do that well anymore if you want
Fotographie Dog Sledding in Tromsø Apart from exploring the town, Ines and I also spend a day dog sledding. Another check off of my bucket list. And boy, this is as exhausting as it's fun! The dogs are
A walk around Tromsø's coast Before we started our trip to Tromsø we met with Børge, a friend who happened to live there for a while. He gave us some tips, and one of them was to talk
Fotographie Visiting Tromsø: More than lights I have to admit: We went to Tromsø in Nothern Norway to take pictures of the northern lights. But due to bad weather we not even got a glimpse of them. But don't
Fotographie Trying out the Samyang 12mm F2.0 While waiting at the Oslo Airport for our flight to Tromsø I thought it might be a good opportunity to share some pictures I took the other day. And because Jan asked for
Fotographie Winter is here It's hard to believe it's been eight full months since my last blog post. So many things changed, as did my camera. Leaving Nikon behind I now own a nice, small Fuji X-T10.
Fotographie ERLEBNIS-WANDERN IM HARZ IV Nachdem ich zufällig auf Twitter gesehen habe, dass es im Harz eine Einhorn-Höhle gibt war klar, dass wir eine neue Wanderung unternehmen mussten. Der Weg den Ines heraussuchte führte von dem beschaulichen Ort
Fotographie Fujifilm X-T1 x 35mm F1.4 Wir waren letztes Wochenende für ein paar Tage in Berlin um den Geburtstag von Ines zu feiern. Jan kam dafür sogar aus den USA vorbei und brachte seine Fuji X-T1 mit, mit der
Fotographie Berliner Zoo Aquarium x Lumia 930 Bilder von Quallen, unter großen Mühen geschoßen im Berliner Zoo. Bitte sehr: Durch die Lichtverhältnisse – dunkle Aquarien und helle Spotlights von oben – konnte man die automatischen Einstellungen der Kamera hier generell vergessen. Also
Fotographie Fototour Berlin x Lumia 930 Da meine bessere Hälfte zu einem Führungskräfte-Wettbewerb nach Berlin eingeladen wurde, nutzten wir die Gelegenheit um etwas früher dort hinzufahren und anschließend noch etwas länger zu bleiben. Dadurch hatte ich Zeit um mir
Fotographie Städtetrip Amsterdam Als wir gefragt worden, ob wir nicht zu einer Geburtstagsfeier nach Amsterdam kommen wollen, mussten wir nicht lange zögern und sagten ja. Den Tag vor der Geburtstagsfeier nutzen wir mit einem ausgiebigen Bummel
Fotographie Easterhegg: Lightpainting Lumia 930 Dieses Jahr findet das Easterhegg in Braunschweig statt, und coco hat gleich am ersten Tag einen unglaublich tollen Workshop zum Thema Lightpainting veranstaltet. Zu Beginn gab es etwas Bildmaterial von vorherigen Workshops zu
Skiurlaub Sölden Zu den Dingen, die man auf jeden Fall einmal gemacht haben sollte, steht neben "Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis" zu lesen auch einmal einen Skiurlaub zu machen – zweifelsohne mit einem Handtuch
nokia Nokia Lumia 830 ausprobiert Fest entschlossen mir ein Lumia 930 zuzulegen, griff ich kurzerhand zum kleineren 830. Doch was taugt das Mittelklasse-Gerät mit Flaggschiff-Anspruch? Microsoft bewirbt das Lumia 830 als Flaggschiff für die schmale Mark. Möglich macht